Servis Ürünleri
Frequency: 500MHz
Input power: 0.25 A @ 12 V DC via cable from control unit
Size: 68x35x15cm
Weight: 8.3 kg
Receiver sensitivity: 120 mcV
Receiver gain: 10 dB
Transmitter output: 150V
Resolution 0.4/m
Depth: 5-7 Meters
Yeni Zond-12e GPR sistemi korumalı havadan fırlatılan 500A anten ünitesi, daha az çınlama seviyesine sahip, %50 spektrum için daha geniş, kaldırılmış konumda çalışma imkanı ( Darbeye Dayanıklı Araba üzerinde çalışmaya uygun ), arttırılmış, birleşik verici ve alıcı antenlere sahip genel amaçlı anten ünitesidir. Aynı nüfuz derinliğinde çözünürlük, farklı türdeki zeminler için ve özellikle tınlı zeminler için tasarlanmış, eski korumalı yüzeye bağlı 500 MHz anten ünitesinin yerini almak üzere tasarlanmıştır .
Korumalı hava fırlatmalı 500A anten ünitesi her türlü yeraltı tesisatının (borular, kablolar, yer altı yapıları vb.) tespiti için tasarlanmıştır.
* Çözünürlük ve sondaj derinliği arasındaki ilişki, sondajın bağıl dielektrik geçirgenliği 4'e eşit ve özgül zayıflaması 1 ila 2 dB/m olan bir toprakta yapıldığı varsayılmaktadır. Araştırma derinliğinin, yansıtma oranı 1'e eşit olan düz bir sınırın tespit derinliği olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu verilerin oldukça yaklaşık olduğunu ve sesin duyulduğu ortamın parametrelerine güçlü bir şekilde bağlı olduğunu unutmayın.
150-75-38 Mhz Anten
Input power: 0.35 A @ 12 V DC via cable from control unit
Weight: 2 kg to 7 kg (depending on frequency)
Receiver sensitivity: 120 mcV
Receiver gain: 10 dB
Transmitter output: 200V
Resolution: 1-4 /m
Depth: 7-30 meters
Note: Depth provides up to 60 meters depth on rocky ground, depending on frequency and ground
Zond-12e GPR system is an unprotected air-launched 150-75-38 MHz antenna system, a general-purpose antenna system with interchangeable dipoles for different frequencies and the possibility of working in a lifted position.
* The relationship between resolution and drilling depth assumes that the drilling is carried out in a soil with a relative dielectric permittivity of 4 and a specific attenuation of 1 to 2 dB/m. It is understood that the depth of investigation is the detection depth of a flat boundary with a reflectivity equal to 1. Note that these data are quite approximate and strongly depend on the parameters of the environment in which the sound is heard.
ZOND12 Main Unit
Number of channels: 2
Time range: user selected from 1 to 2000 ns in 1 ns steps.
Pulse repetition frequency of transmitter: 82 KHz
Scanning speed: 320/160/80/40 scans per second
Samples per scan: 128/256/512/1024 x 16 bit
Filters: High pass filter user selects from set: Weak, Strong, Super strong, Customized digital filter
Data transfer: to PC via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
Input power: 10.5-13 V DC 0.6 A (built-in rechargeable battery)
Size: 35x50x5.5cm
Weight: 3.2 kg
Zond-12e georadar, tek bir operatör tarafından taşınan taşınabilir bir dijital yeraltı sondaj radarıdır. Ünite, tahribatsız operasyonel çevre izlemeye ihtiyaç duyulan her yerde çok çeşitli jeoteknik, jeolojik, çevresel, mühendislik ve diğer görevleri çözmek için tasarlanmıştır. Sondaj sürecinde operatör, bir ekran üzerinden radyolokasyon profili (bazen radargram olarak da anılır) olarak gerçek zamanlı bilgi alıyor. Aynı zamanda veriler daha sonra kullanılmak üzere (işleme, çıktı, yorumlama vb.) sabit diske kaydedilir. Radyolokasyon profillerinin örneklerini burada görebilirsiniz ...
Komple georadar seti, özel ayarlanabilir bir platform üzerine monte edilmiş Dizüstü tipi bilgisayar* içeren bir merkezi ünite, çeşitli ses frekansları için bir dizi anten, yazılım ve çeşitli aksesuarları içerir .
Antenler toza/püskürtmeye karşı korumalıdır ve hatta kısa süreliğine suya daldırılabilir. Yüzey antenleri, son derece yüksek aşınma direncine sahip vinilplastik alt tabakalara sahiptir.
Tüm georadar parametreleri bilgisayar kontrollüdür, bu nedenle birçok donanım çalıştırma özelliği burada açıklanmaktadır ...
Belirli bir antenin kullanımı, sondaj görevine göre belirlenir. Daha yüksek sondaj frekansı, daha iyi çözünürlük anlamına gelir, ancak ortamdaki elektromanyetik dalganın daha önemli ölçüde zayıflaması, daha düşük sondaj derinliği ile sonuçlanır; ve bunun tersi de geçerlidir; daha düşük frekans, daha zayıf çözünürlükten ödün vererek daha büyük bir penetrasyon derinliğine yol açabilir. Ayrıca, daha düşük frekans, bir jeoradarın başlangıçtaki duyarsızlık alanının ("kör" bölgesi) daha büyük olmasına neden olur.
For 500A/900A antennas
Shockproof Car
Number of blows per revolution: 1000
Wheel diameter: 250 mm
Weight: 12 kg
Lightweight, compact, impact-resistant trolley made of strong plastic for non-rigid terrain surveys, on 10" wheels for 500A and 900A antennas.
Zond Aero 500 GPR
Kanal sayısı: 1
Frekans: 500 MHz
Performans: Dahili 500A antenli tek üniteli GPR
Zaman aralığı: 50-500 ns
Vericinin darbe tekrarlama frekansı: 113 KHz
Tarama hızı: 56
Tarama başına örnek sayısı: 512
Filtreler: Yüksek geçişli Dijital filtre
Veri aktarımı: Ethernet veya WiFi (koruyucu durumda) aracılığıyla PC'ye
Boyut: 40x30x14,5 cm veya koruyucu kılıfta 49x41x21 cm
Ağırlık: 1,9 kg veya koruyucu çantada 6,4 kg
Alıcı hassasiyeti: 120 mcV
Alıcı kazancı: 20 dB
Verici çıkışı: 50 V
Çözünürlük ve derinlik: 0,4 x 5-7 m*
Zond Aero 500 is an ultra-light single-unit GPR designed specifically for portable solutions. The device can be used as standalone on-board equipment with external power supply and Ethernet cable connection, or inside a fully protective waterproof case with its own internal Lithium-Ion battery and WiFi.
The user receives real-time information as a radiolocation profile (sometimes referred to as a radargram). Data is simultaneously saved on the hard disk for further use (processing, output, interpretation, etc.). Here you will see examples of radiolocation profiles...
Zond Aero 500 has a built-in 500A antenna for single channel operation at different time intervals.
The Zond Aero 500 can optionally be equipped with a shockproof trolley.
All georadar parameters are computer controlled, so many hardware operating features are explained here ...
* The relationship between resolution and drilling depth assumes that the drilling is carried out in a soil with a relative dielectric permittivity of 4 and a specific attenuation of 1 to 2 dB/m. It is understood that the depth of investigation is the detection depth of a flat boundary with a reflectivity equal to 1. Note that these data are quite approximate and strongly depend on the parameters of the environment in which the sound is heard.
Prism2 software is designed for georadar parameter control, drilling data acquisition with simultaneous computer display and hard disk file recording, as well as file processing and output.
System requirements:
- Windows 7/8/10/11
- CPU Core i3
- 4 GB RAM
- Ethernet 10/100 BaseT or WiFi card
The interface language (English, Chinese, German, Dutch, Korean or Russian) is chosen by the user at any time.
All georadar parameters (except the on/off function) are controlled through a computer, which simplifies the operation of the hardware. While adjusting the radar and drilling, the software provides error messages if the parameter settings are incorrect and recommends the appropriate steps to be taken. Convenient keyboard-oriented interface for georadar management and data collection. You don't need a touch mouse (trackball, touchpad...) on your laptop when working in field conditions.
Georadar data acquisition can be performed continuously (basic mode) or in staggered stacking. Continuous acquisition mode enables maximum spatial (horizontal) resolution. Staggered stacking is used to achieve the maximum possible drilling depth and to solve special tasks (tomography, etc.) that require longer drilling time.
To locate a resulting borehole profile the operator can press a button to enter 'marks' as they pass stations or any reference points. These signs will be displayed as vertical lines on the profile and the relevant numbers will be displayed at the top. After drilling is complete (or at any time), it is possible to enter a text comment into the file to indicate the drilling area, drilling target, and so on.
Color or grayscale shooting mode
Continuous profile or stepped mode
Digital gain function implemented
Saving current coordinates from the GPS receiver in NMEA-0183 format with the possibility of real-time GPS Tracking
Wheel-to-wheel distance measurement and real-time wheel X interpolation
user-selected color or grayscale line scan, wiggle chart
integrated multi-window environment
User-friendly interface
Different data formats: SEG-Y, Radar Systems
spectrum calculations in random windows
Output to Windows supported printer
speeds and depth evaluation via diffraction options
10-point digital gain function
GPS Tracking tool for GPS coordinates
Gradual Zoom In and Zoom Out
Unlimited Undo and Redo functions for data processing
Export to Bitmap and JPEG possibilities
Hodograph calculations
frequency bandpass filters
efficient amplitude correction
pass and envelope
x interpolation
Wave Software
Modern GPR systems produce large amounts of data, but useful information is sometimes hidden in the details. To prevent these details from being lost, efficient processing methods must be used. Rather than downsampling data, WAVE's priority is raw GPR data storage for accuracy and precision processing. WAVE software ensures 100% use of raw data for the most accurate and detailed calculations. The three key drivers of WAVE software are secure data storage, accurate positioning and operational efficiency for 3D models created from GPR raw data files.
When processing raw GPR data files, it is critical to preserve the integrity of all recorded details and calculate results quickly. The traditional approach involves downsampling data during gridding and using basic statistical algorithms to reduce data size, but with WAVE software it is possible to maintain data quality at high resolution without sacrificing computing speed.
Maintaining the required data quality goes beyond resolving time periods. Modern big data processing techniques rely on fast but imprecise graphical transformations. It is important to be careful when converting bitmaps as this can cause the exact location of data to be lost and embedded objects to become distorted. Therefore, this method may lead to falsification of the representation of these objects. WAVE software takes this into account and processes GPR data while maintaining accurate positioning . Speed Big data processing is complex and time-consuming. To overcome this obstacle, data downsampling or stacking is required, but this reduces the resolution. That's why WAVE software uses ultra-fast kriging algorithms that achieve similar results without sacrificing important details. Full Control Instead of one-button setup, WAVE software allows users to control parameters to prevent possible misinterpretation of results. Users have full control over the 2D file rendering process and the statistical algorithms used to create 3D results. Fast response Process flow adjustment changes the result instantly and in real time. WAVE software allows you to create multiple versions of data volumes by seamlessly combining them to produce detailed results despite extensive data filtering. Thick Slices WAVE's innovative Thick Slices technique allows users to examine multiple slices simultaneously. This feature is not yet available in other software. Wide Export Opportunities
Voxler Software
Who should use Voxler?
Earth scientists with 3D data from drillings, petrography, seismic studies, and remote sensing research.
Environmental Experts with 3D data obtained from groundwater and soil contaminant studies.
Meteorologists have 3D data from atmospheric studies.
Oceanologists with 3D data from ocean studies on water temperature, salinity, and pollutants.
Biologists with 3D data from organism sampling.
Biotechnicians visualize Confocal microscopy data.
Medical Professionals with 3D data from MRI, CT and ultrasound scans.
Engineers with 3D data showing parameters distributed throughout the volume of an object.
Engineers interested in visualization of computational fluid dynamics.
Research and Development Groups performing numerical simulations.
Geo-Statisticians who need to demonstrate reservoir characterizations.
Seismologists who need velocity modelling.
Anyone who wants to see the distribution of 3D data.
Terovido 3D System
Measurement and weight of probes
IP protection category ……………………………… IP 54 (splash-proof)
Storage temperature ……………………………… -20° to + 60°C
Operating temperature ……………………………… -10° to + 50°C
Relative humidity ……………………………… 5-95%, non-condensing
Notifications ……………………………… Multi-color LED
USB radio module for data transfer
Frequency band ……………………………… 2.4GHz ISM band
Channels ……………………………… 126 RF channels
Transmission speed (air) ……………………………… 2Mbps
Programmable output ……………………………… 0. -6, -12 or -18 dBm
Sensitivity ……………………………… -82 dBm Sensitivity at 2 Mbps
Microcontroller ……………………………… 8-bit RISC Based Microcontroller
Maximum operating frequency……………………………… 16MHz
10-bit A/D converter
Accurate Locators Runabout
Underground Prospecting Device (USA) "Runabout" is a state-of-the-art Multi-Sensor array well suited for underground metal prospecting. It has advanced software that makes operating the unit and data analysis much simpler than other brands available. The software creates a 3D representation of the magnetic field being investigated. The feature that distinguishes Accurate Locators from other Gradiometers is their metal discrimination.
US Runabout Multi-Sensor
Preconfigured Notebook
Dual Channel Control Unit
Field Package
Wiring Harness
Battery 24V
Charger 24V
Extension Rod
User guide
Technical support
Pelican Case
20" 4 Sensor Antenna